Festival Monitoring 2024
What is it about?
How does it work?
The music played is automatically recognized by aurismatic and the data is transmitted directly to GEMA.
1. hardware captures signal
2 AI recognizes music
3. automatic submission
no setlists
Setlists have always been a huge effort for everyone involved. This is now a thing of the past. You save, GEMA saves and the artists get more money. Everyone wins.
GEMA guarantee
GEMA recognizes the setlists submitted by aurismatic in accordance with the relevant tariffs.
Legal security
We guarantee that our service fully complies with all legal requirements (data protection, copyright, etc.). We are liable for this.
fair distribution
We provide reports that are more accurate than ever before. This benefits your artists and prevents fraud.
Festivals 2023
...and many more!
- Rock on the Ring
- Rock in the Park
- Wacken Open Air
- Summer Breeze Open Air
- Nibirii Festival
- Taubertal Festival
- Rockharz Open Air
- The festival
- Juicy Beats Festival
- Puls Open Air
- Bautz Festival
- Zytanien Festival
- Love Music Festival
- Monster Festival
- Heroes Festival Geiselwind
- Heroes Festival Hanover
- Heroes Festival Allgäu
- Heroes Festival Freiburg
- Rock Hard Festival
- Fire Dance Festival
Register without obligation!
Who can take part?
In principle, all festivals can participate. GEMA approaches most festivals with an offer.
Where can I register?
If you have been contacted directly by GEMA and have expressed interest, we will contact you directly.
You can also make a proactive enquiry yourself at any time. Please register using this non-binding form and we will contact you.
How does the monitoring process work?
Our AI is based on the immediate live performance on site, it listens in and recognizes the tracks played.
This can be done in several ways, but you don't have to worry about the details. We will clarify this with your technical service provider (sound engineering, PA, etc.), who will then use our AI hardware.
Richard Kurka
Oliver Pauly
Christoph Kemper
Max Mustermann
Maxine Musterfrau
Free of charge
per festival
Get started